Do you remember the 21st night of September?

I will because it snowed on the 21st of September. It wasn't fun. I'm realizing that depending how long I stay here depends on how much snow I get and how cold I am. I've needed a jacket the last 5 days because it was in the 40s and 50s. It's only going to get worse and I can wait for it. Other things that happened this week! We had our friend Ono go to church and taught him a lesson there! We gave him a Book of Mormon and some members bore their testimonies to him! He is progressing well but doesn't understand English that much. We also talked to one of our Bishops about his ward and he's on fire! He loves missionary work and is doing all he can to help us with the people we are teaching in his ward! It's great! Yesterday I went up to Thayne for the day and got to spend the night in their barn house. We split wood from 10 to 12:30 that day and I had to do it in pros pants and a borrowed t-shirt. We got it done and I remember how fun it is to split wood! ...