Hey everyone. I'm home... It was a sad day. Well. More like a sad last week or so. I loved my mission. SO MUCH. I would go back in a heartbeat and love every moment all over again. Every sick day to every baptism to every crazy companion to the best comps. I learned so much about who I am as a divine son of God to who I want to be. I love each and every person I met and hope I changed them for the better. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Restored Church that Christ has led since the foundation of the World was made. I love the Lord and who he has changed me to be. I love everything I accomplished and all the friends I made. Especially the memories. I hope everyone who reads this or looks at the pictures grows closer to their Savior even if it is by a small amount. I am unable to describe how much I really cherish my mission and would definitely do it all over again. Anyway. I lov...