Through God, All Things Are Possible

It feels like I was literally doing this 2 days ago.... but it's actually been a full week. I'm a full 20 days into the field! And about a month and a half into my mission! So, I have had a fun week. We had a lesson with some people on date and they showed us ALL TWELVE OF THEIR ANIMALS...not even kidding... and 4 of them are turtles! They are progressing nicely but it might be a while until they get baptized. That night we had dinner with a member who laser cuts and makes advent calendars, wooden ties, and wooden earrings. And Elder Klomp and I got free wooden ties (See photos)! They are so sweet! I'm not sure how mission appropriate they are though. I finally read the Ricciardi Letter! It is amazing! I have learned a lot from it and am trying to be the best missionary I can be. We had Zone Council! Our Zone got together to talk about people on date and how we can help them the best we can. And right after that, we went to institute. We learned about how obedience brings...