A fueled fire a rolling ball and "heat"
Hey everyone! How are you guys? I get updates from only a few of you and i just hope you are all doing good. Now, last P-day, my Mission President came to a stake meeting on missionary work and talked about the work here in the Filer Stake. He gave really good points and made the members see just how spread out this mission is. We have half of the missionaries we have had in the past and are doing more work than missions in the same area with more missionaries than us! But, he told them that there's only 2 companionships for the whole stake and that means we have a lot of ground to cover. Right after the meeting, we talked to all of our wards and branches and they were ready to go! President had lit a fire in them! Throughout this whole week Elder Gibby and I have been working our legs off. We met with half of our wards and branches and talked about the work in their area. This only fueled the fire more! All I can say is that if the members are on your side, the work goes so...