Sickness and Miracles

This has been a really interesting week! (I seem to say this a lot) My companion, Elder Lowe, got sick so we had to stay inside and do nothing for 2 days. I hated it and am glad we are not sick anymore. One of those sick days, Elder Rosevear and I decided to walk because neither of us could drive. We saw a longtime inactive member and got some free jam from her! She has lived here for a long time and saw most of the town go up! On Monday we had a lesson with Noelia. She has had an interest in the church for a while and the Seminary Teacher helped her get in contact with us and we have started to teach her a lot! We had a lesson with one of her member friends and the friends dad helped so much! He testified and brought the spirit so well! We put her on date for July 22nd! She is excited and wants to do this really bad! Today we got up and went to Shoshone Falls again! They let more water over and it's really cool! There was mist in the air that the falls had never had before....