Dogs and miracles

Good Morning! It's been a fast week and I am looking forward to this next one! It has also been an eventful week! It started with Elder Merrill and I going on a visit with our ward mission leader and his wife. We went to one of their friends house to see some kids from American Samoa that just got here! The wife is Samoan so she could help them out a little but and the kids' brother was here already and is married in the temple and everything! We got talking to the kids and we learned they are interested in taking the lessons! 2 of the 4 are YSA and the other 2 are in a family ward the other Elders cover so we will both teach them as a family! It was really cool and I hope to see them progress! The second one was just yesterday. We were having a normal Monday morning of studies and planning when apparently my comp and the ZL in the house decided to do an exchange. They had planned it a while ago but never told the other 2 in the house. So Elder McGee and I plan really quick and...