How low can it get?

Too low!!! I don't know about you guys but it's said it feels like it's in the negatives most days and in single digits every day this past week. I'm not a big fan of the cold so that's been fun! Along with a blizzard and a ton of snow we have had a whole adventure out here! We had transfers too! I am staying AGAIN with Elder Welch and getting a newer missionary! Elder Waite! He's from Surprize AZ and has chronically cold hands so he gets really cold and stays cold for a long time. His first and only other area was Filer where I served a whole year and a half ago. I've been able to reminisce on my time there with him as we know a lot of the same people there! Overall, it's going to be a good last transfer! It is weird having about 5 weeks until I go home. It feels like something that should never have ended is now ending. It's odd. But I'm glad for the things I've been able to do and look forward to the last bit of my mission! I've heard...