A new guy from Pocatello, driving, walking, the Great Apostasy, and a scripture.

We had transfers! And Elder Klomp actually stayed here! We did get a replacement for Elder Smith who is actually finishing the training for my MTC companion! We got Elder Beelek, and he is 6'7". So, I am the 2nd shortest person in the apartment. Now that I've hit my 2nd transfer, I get to drive! The brake is literally the touchiest one I've ever seen! But I'm getting used to it. Our mission just got on everyone for using excessive miles so Elder Klomp and I walked for 2 hours one day and only got to 7 houses. It was hard with 30+ mph winds but a good day to do it on otherwise. I'd hate to walk. It doesn't seem fun. A friend of ours had a question about how the priesthood wasn't passed through Paul so I started reading the Great Apostasy by James E. Talmage. It's really good and I've learned a ton from it, and I'm not even done with it! I'd definitely recommend it! And last but not least, a scripture I found while studying. It goes along ...