Easter, Exchanges, and Tranfer news
Hello everyone! This week has been an actual week. It has felt like it's actually followed the flow of time!
Easter was this last week for those of you who somehow had no idea why all these eggs appeared in their yards. It was great! We had a lot of talks in all 3 of our wards on the Atonement of Jesus Christ! I've learned a lot about the Atonement this last week actually. Easter is an amazing time to talk to people about the Atonement and Jesus Christ in general. If they are home. Now, that of course means for everyone except those in Twin Falls. NO ONE WAS HOME! No one! It was a little frustrating bit we got to talk to a few people over this 4 day no lesson drought. Easter really raised my spirits though. One of the members wrote and played the most beautiful piano solo I've ever heard. It brought the spirit so strongly.
Now, over these past 4 days, I've had 2 exchanges. Just with the other Elders in the apartment so nothing crazy but everywhere was quiet. We did teach a few lessons to a few.... interesting people. Who would've guessed that 2 shady guys in an alley can't give the priesthood to random people at 3 in the morning. Some people. I'm telling you... we had amazing exchanges and I learned a lot!
Now, transfer news! I'm staying here with Elder Klomp! However...Elder Smith gets to go to Soda Springs and be comps with Elder Thompson and be a ZL! Elder Smith is an amazing missionary and will do great there. But, I get to stay and Elder Klomp does have to give a special musical number in church now.
But, it's been a great week and a I can't wait to talk to you all next week!
HOMEMADE BREAD! The family that fed us on Easter gave us some!!! Yes it is heavenly.
Me in the rain.
The best GIF ever.
Some memes.
And a short video of the rain.(hopefully)
There aren't many photos because it's been a busy week. I'll send more next week!
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