Christmas! And transfer news!

Merry Christmas everyone! We have had a lot of fun here this Christmas other than the fact that we were sick for a LONG time. Walking in the cold is definitely not the best for one's health. We learned that we had the flu for a while and that was what made Adamson feel AWFUL for a week. He started to get over it once we started to go out and work! We decided to just work through it and he started to feel better and has since been a lot better. We had a Zone Conference on Thursday that I went to and left Adamson with the District Leader so I could get some instruction from the mission leaders. We had a Zone thing on Christmas eve where we invited as many people to church as possible! We exchanged companions for the day and had a ton of fun! We tracted out some neighborhoods and by lunch had 84 people invited to church! It was crazy! We had a ton of fun doing it too! We were as bold as possible and saw many opportunities that we normally wouldn't have. At the end of the day we...