Transfers, the Reservation, and mountains

Okay, everyone. This has been the longest week of my Mission so far. And the most stressful. We had transfer news come out on Wednesday at 11. It said I was going to whitewash an area with an Elder I already know over in Pocatello. That's easy enough right? No, it wasn't. We go to the transfer site and the first thing I hear is that things might've been shifted around and that I might not be going with that Elder. We Head over to Burley and swap stuff around and head over to Pocatello soon after that. When we get there however, the Mission President pulled me aside and said that my companion was going to get here the next day. He also told me who it was. I am going with one of the definitely not good missionaries out here. Elder Casablanca. He doesn't work, doesn't teach, and much less studies. And I'm whitewashing with him. The reason he wasn't there was because the transfer news said he was going over to Twin Falls and so that's where he went. I got t...