Let the Spirit teach

Hello everybody! I hope you are all having a good Tuesday so far because I am even though it's 4° outside! We have been busy all day everyday this week! We have had lessons with so many amazing people and are trying to progress them towards baptism! Goals. That is one of the biggest things this week. On Friday, we had 5 finds out of our goal of 14. We had District Council that day because our District Leader was sick till then. In that meeting, he invited us to pray about and review our goals...so we did. And raised our goal by 1! Now we were down by 10 and only had 2ish days to get all of them. So we went out and worked like always and got 8 finds that day! It was crazy! Then on Saturday, we got 3! And on Sunday, we got 2! All for a total of 18/15 finds! Prayerfully setting goals works! One thing I also got to do this week is go on an exchange to the Swahili area for a few hours and I loved it! I understood nothing but I came to love the people so quickly! We went to an English cl...